+91-9689055333 , 9689077333
Reading Matrusri modules is not only helpful during the entrance tests but also in the initial phase of study in Kota. Habit of target-based study developed during foundation will be very helpful. More focus on objective problems can benefit students too.
The two years in Matrusri Institute have proven to be really fruitful. The study material is very good. The books consist of challenging problems by which every student can enhance his problem solving arsenal. Every topic is very well explained with a number of solved problems. Last but not least, the teachers are also very supporting and helping.
AIR (OPEN) 3494 & (OBC) 436 मी Matrusri मध्ये 9th + 10th Foundation Course केल्यामुळे मला फार फायदा झाला. IIT मध्ये निवडून घेण्याकरिता मला माझ्या आईवडिलांच्या पाठिंब्यासोबत Matrusri मध्ये मिळालेले ज्ञान फार मोलाचे ठरले. Matrusri चे Modules KVPY, Olympiad सारख्या परिक्षामध्ये फार मोलाचे ठरले . Matrusri मथील शिक्षकवर्गाने प्रोत्साहित केल्यामुळे मी कोटा शहरात Classes लावले. हे ध्येय गाठण्याकरिता फार मेहनत करावी लागली. मेहनत करण्याची व अभ्यासाचा दूष्टीकोन बदलण्यासाठी मला Matrusri चा फार फायदा झाला.
चि. निखिल सोनकुळ याने दोन वर्ष Kota येथुन IIT चे कोचिंग करुन,IIT JEE मध्ये यश मिळविले ह्याचे पूर्ण श्रेय मी मातृश्री क्लासेसला देतो, कारण या शिक्षणाचा पाया येथेच तयार करण्यात आला. श्री. जोशी सरांचे दोन वर्षापूर्वी गारखेड्यात IIT चे व्याख्यान ठेवले होते. त्यामुळे आम्ही खरे उत्तेजीत झाले. तेव्हापासून चि. निखिलने कोटा येथे जाण्याचा निश्चय पक्का केला. औरंगाबाद येथे ही त्याला ५०% फी मध्ये सवलत देवून प्रवेश होता, परंतू श्री. जोशी सरांच्या शब्दाला मान देवून आम्ही कोट्यालाच प्रवेश पक्का केला आणि हेच त्याचे फळ आहे. निखिल ची बहिण कु. तनया हिने सुध्दा इ. ७ वीपासून या IIT च्या तयारीसाठी मातृश्री क्लासेसला प्रवेश घेतला आहे.
मैं 9th और 10th Matrusri मे थी। मेरी IIT में 7025 रँक आयी है। इसका पुरा श्रेय Matrusri को जाता है। यहाँ के आर .सी. जोशी और अग्रवाल सर की वजह से ही हमें IIT का असली मतलब पता चला। यहाँ पे Basic Concepts बहुत अच्छे तरह से Clear किए जाते हैं, जो आगे की पूरी तैय्यारी के लिये बहुत ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण है। यहाँ पे Modules का भी आगे बहुत उपयोग होता है। मुझे लगता है की जिस किसी को Competitive Exams में अच्छा करना है जैसे IIT.BITS, AIPMT उसने यहां पे Foundation करना चाहिये। मैं यहाँ सभी Teachers को धन्यवाद अदा करना चाहती हूँ।
Hi, I am Aniket D. Gaundar. I joined Matrusri in my 9th Std. I still remember that return home on very first day crying that “Mom, I could not do anything in the class”. But on the next day Agarwal Sir told me very very good things. I got inspired. The whole journey of two years at Matrusri was fantastic. I enjoyed each movement of classes of R.C. Joshi Sir, Punde Sir, Agarwal Sir. It was amazing experience to be here. Meanwhile side by side we used to give many competitive examinations. As such I could cope up with my 11th& 12th just because I fixed up my foundation at Matrusri. Joshi Sir not only teaches chemistry but also inspires regarding studies & focus at studies. I am very young for giving suggestion as such I did not find any faults in the system. It was wonderful to be here. Just one should enjoy the juicy material over here. All the best.
My name is Narendra. It was really good experience being in Matrusri. “Foundation helps in understanding the concepts taught in IIT JEE preparation”. This is how I would define foundation in one sentence. And at course you have other advantages too. If you complete the foundation then you do good at board syllabus and improves critical thinking.
विद्यार्थी हा जन्मतः मातीचा गोळा असतो, त्यास माता पित्यापासून ज्ञान प्राप्त होते, त्यानंतर शिक्षकापासून मुलांचे शिक्षणाप्रती उत्साह वाढवण्यास सुरुवात होते. आपल्या संस्थेतील शिक्षकांची विद्यार्थ्यांप्रती आत्मीयता वेगळी व वाखाणण्यासारखी आहे. आपली तळमळच ही विद्यार्थाचे यशाचे भागीदार दिसते.
I was in Matrusri for two years 9th and 10th. In these two years Matrusri modules and the teachers helped me a lot for preparing for different competitive exams at that level. It also helped me for different entrance tests of IIT-JEE coaching classes and initial phases of study in Kota.
My name is Ojas Saraf and I studied at Matrusri for 3 years. The course books at Matrusri are very good. The environment is academic oriented. The foundation course provides a good basis for the 11th& 12th.
Two years in Matrusri were fantastic. We learnt lots of new things here. Foundation course in Matrusri really made basic concepts clear which helped me in better understanding of IIT syllabus. Tests in Matrusri were subjective & objective. This truly improved understanding of subjects. Matrusri modules are very good. At last I would say Matrusri is no. 1.
माझा मुलगा चि. शुभंकर याला नवव्या वर्गामध्ये असतांनाच मातृश्री क्लासेस मध्ये अँडमिशन दिले. अँडमिशन घेतल्यानंतर येथील Faculty ने त्याला अत्यंत चांगल्या प्रकारे मार्गदर्शन दिले त्यामुळे आपण IIT होऊ असा आत्मविश्वास त्याच्यामध्ये आला. आज त्याचा Rank 2005 आल्यामुळे आम्हाला सार्थ अभिमान आहे. त्याच्याच पावलावर पाउल टाकून त्याचा लहान भाउ शार्दूल याला देखील आम्ही मातृश्री क्लासेस मध्ये अँडमिशन दिलेले आहे.
During this journey to IIT JEE, Foundation course at Matrusri has proved to be very useful. The course helped me to cope up with the studies at Kota. Anyone who dreams to be at IIT should join the foundation course at Matrusri. The modules and the in text questions have helped a lot. The teachers have not only given us foundation studies but have created a deep ambition for JEE. The regular tests held have also helped. Finally I would like to thank all the teachers for their personal attention, support and motivation.
I joined Matrusri in 8th class & I was here for three years. The teaching pattern and course material of Matrusri is of a very high standard and atmosphere is very good for learning. Currently, I am pursuing the preparation of JEE in Kota. I could secure the position in NTSE because of Matrusri only.
NTSE is an exam which apart from a thorough knowledge of the syllabus, requires quick problems solving ability, especially in MAT. The latter can be developed only through practice & this is where joining Matrusri Classes helped me greatly. In both SAT & MAT, regular tests were conducted with exam pattern & apart from this subject wise question banks were also given. The answers were discussed later &students doubts were also cleared. The subject wise lectures also helped a lot as each chapter was covered in detail.
I am Rohan Sakeri& had joined Matrusri for preparation of NTSE exam. I had been very good experience at Matrusri. The teachers are very co-operative & give good attention to all the students one to one. The internal exam taken was very productive with different style compared to other institutions of Aurangabad. I give my heartiest credit to my institute & parents for upgrading my excuses & passing successfully NTSE exam.
I, Pratosh Patankar am very much thankful to Matrusri as it contributed in building my basic concepts and making very strong foundation. I am selected in NTSE, Matrusri played a great role making me reach to this horizon. The teachers in Matrusri are of great help.
Matrusri has played crucial role in clearing NTSE stage I & stage II. Teachers are very helpful. Regular doubt sessions helped to improve our knowledge. Class strength was very less so personal attention was given. Material provided by Matrusri was well organised which helped in clearing concepts and building foundations. I personally recommend Matrusri for NTSE.
IIT Foundation at Matrusri helped me clear my basic concepts. My whole credit of clearing of NTSE exam goes to Matrusri and my parents support. Teachers like Mr. Agarwal & Prof. (Dr.) R.C. Joshi kept us motivated all the time. Test series were a lot helpful for my time management during actual exam. I owe my success in NTSE to Matrusri. Thanks to Matrusri once again.
I joined NTSE test series in Matrusri classes. It provided an extensive practice in mental ability & precise knowledge and concepts for SAT. it is the only institute which adheres to the syllabus and provides extensive practice. Matrusri has a very experienced team of faculties like Shri. Agarwal Sir, Borgaonkar Sir & Dr. R.C. Joshi. I will greatfully acknowledge Matrusri’s contribution in my success. I had come to Aurangabad from Mumbai especially to join the camp for NTSE in Matrusri
I never had the experience of going to classes except school, and Matrusri was my first. Truthfully, I had more fun here than elsewhere. The teachers here create a good atmosphere, conducive for studying. I was here for three years and the foundation helped me grasp the topics well and be on a lead platform over other students. It helped me in all the competitive examinations I gave and it also helped me in understanding all the topics in JEE preparation. I am thankful to Agarwal Sir, R.C. Joshi Sir, Punde Sir & all other teachers.
My ward “Varad Kalyankar” was mentored by Matrusri Foundation at Aurangabad during his 8th – 10th std. school grading. My personal experience as a parent about this class is very good. The teachers over here are well learned, talented, take keen interest in the academic development of the students. They also inculcate good habits, ethics and morals. The overall development is nurtured here. I owe the success of my ward in NTSE & KVPY to this class. I wish to develop my daughter also in this class. I wish all the best to all the teachers here and Matrusri classes for their future.
I joined Matrusri in 8th class & I was here for three years. The teaching pattern and course material of Matrusri is of a very high standard and atmosphere is very good for learning. Currently, I am pursuing the preparation of JEE in Kota. I could secure the position in NTSE because of Matrusri only.
Kranti Chowk
Address: 1st Floor, A.M.C.Complex,
Opp.Hotel Manor, Kranti Chowk, Aurangabad.
Email: [email protected]
2nd Floor, Lokseva Building,
Bajrang Chowk,CIDCO,Aurangabad
Email: [email protected]
Ph.:+91-9689066333, 9689055333